Monday, 30 May 2016

The first (and hopefully not last) post

Greetings, interwebs.
Welcome to my first attempt at a what people call a "blog" - I am fully aware than I'm about 15 years late to the game, but better late than never! I've created this space as a way to document and share my never-ending list of projects, hobbies and interests. And while I'd like streamline the content of this blog right off the bat (Should it be about perennial gardening? Frugal living? Beyonce?), it's probably best to let it evolve naturally. (Frugal perennial gardening while listening to the supreme being that is Beyonce.)

Thus, the Humble Dilettante is born. I am passionate about so many things, and profess to be an expert at none of it. (The perception of my conscious incompetence is likely attributed to several years of post-secondary education, and awareness about the four stages of competence.) Here is your official invitation to join me on my journey of amateurness! 

P.S. There will be cats. I promise.

- HD 

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