Sunday, 30 October 2016


Well what do you know, a post after a long summer hiatus.

Lots has happened since, and I can fully appreciate how writing and self-reflection take a back burner  to so-called real life. (Real life, incidentally, also includes Netflix, Pinterest, and those stupidly addictive iPad games that I try to justify playing by calling it relaxation.) I don't particularly have an issue with being bored or alone with my thoughts, but getting them out in organized words seems to be particularly difficult. Just let me scoff at one more awful reclaimed palette wood DIY project first!

Have you ever been overwhelmed by wanting to do everything? For me, that is learning to be it all - a master gardener, a great cook, knitting whiz, financial independence guru, a better communicator, owner of really toned arms, etc. I realize how incredibly privileged this feeling is, given that my parents are refugees who never even had time to develop hobbies or interests or do recreation when they were my age... but now I'm caught in this really weird space of adulthood where I'm supposed to fulfill my responsibilities (job, emotional labor), and yet yearn for more than just that. I guess it's not a bad thing to keep growing.

I'm hoping to be less paralyzed by these thoughts in the future. Maybe my 30 year old brain will have a bit more clarity, balance, and a lot more "I do what I want!"

On a lighter note, we bought a house! It's definitely got a bad case of what not to wear (does that show still exist?), so we've been taking this opportunity to turn it into a home we can call our own. We're doing all of the renovations ourselves, so it's definitely been an adventure of sorts. Or at least now I know I'm glad I didn't become a drywaller. Updates to come soon! 

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